

This is a program which allows you to learn groups of new Thai words by providing an on-line version of flashcards.

This guide is organised in four parts:


Selecting a Deck

When the program starts you are presented with a list of available decks divided into categories. Click on any deck name to use that pack.

Each deck has been roughly graded according to difficulty (i.e. how frequently the words are used in everyday life). The grades are "basic", "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced". These are indicated by one (basic) to four (advanced) stars.

You can filter the displayed list of decks according to grade by using the "show" buttons at the top of the page. These buttons have either a green cross or red tick, indicating whether that grade is to be shown, or not.

The final "show" button allows you to show/hide decks you've uploaded yourself.


Using the Flashcards

Basic Use

Once you've selected a deck, it will be shuffled, then the first card displayed. Click on the “Flip” button, to show its meaning. You can now click on the tick button if you knew the word's meaning, or on the cross button if you don't. The next card will then be displayed. Continue until you complete the pack.

Once the pack is completed a results screen will be shown, showing the number of words you got knew, and the total number of cards in the pack.

The default is to show the Thai first, then flip to show the English translation plus IPA transcription. Click on to switch the direction.

Click on the speaker image to hear audio of the word's being spoken.


Click on the "Options" button to access additional options. The available options are:

Option Group Options
Show IPA
  • With Thai: show IPA transcription any time Thai script is displayed.
  • With Answer: never show IPA with the word is first displayed.
  • Don't show: never show IPA.
Autoplay sounds
  • Yes: play audio of the Thai word when it is displayed.
  • No: never autoplay audio.
  • Male: use a male Thai voice for the audio.
  • Female: use a female Thai voice for the audio.
  • Alternate: alternately use a male and female voice.
Recycle wrong answers
  • Yes: words you mark as wrong will be added to the back of the deck and be displayed again later for you to have another go.
  • No: words you mark as wrong aren't recycle, and are removed from the deck.

Note that if you recycle wrong answers the number correct is only based upon the first time you see a card.

  • Normal, Modern 1 & 2, Handwriting 1&2, Indic: Thai text will be displayed using the selected typeface.
  • Random: Thai text will be displayed with one of the font picked at random.
Autoflip delay If you wish each card to be automatically flipped after seconds, move the slider to the desired value of x. To disable autoflip, set the delay to zero.

Note: Changing any of the above settings will result in the current pack's being restarted.

Options are automatically saved in your browser when you click on the "Back" button to return to the previous page.


Click on the "List" button to show a table of the words in the current deck.


Uploading Your Own Decks

To upload your own deck, click on the "Add New Deck" button on the index page. It's right at the end of the list of available decks, in the "My Decks" section. This will take you to the upload page. Enter the deck name (mandatory), choose a file to upload, then click "Save".

Upon successfully uploading a deck, a preview of the deck's contents will be shown

File Specification

The file selected for upload must meet the following criteria:

You can create such a file using a simple text editor such as xed, gedit, vim (Linux), TextEdit (Mac), Notebook (Microsoft)

Here's a screenshot of one such file being edited

editing deck

Note that where there are multiple definitions (such as "next life/incarnation") I've separated the definitions with "/". You can use any character you want, except a comma.

You can also create decks using a spreadsheet program such as calc, gnumeric (Linux), Numbers (Apple), Excel (Microsoft), and saving the spreadsheet in .csv format. (You may need to change the save options so that the text fields are not enclosed in quotation marks.)

Note that the file name is unimportant (except for having the correct extension). The deck name is taken from the form field for deck name - not from the file name

Additional Notes

Technical Notes

Use of Local Storage

This app uses the browser's local storage as parts of its functionality, including:

These items can be deleted using the website's storage manager, which from the site's home page can be accessed under the "Site" section. The relative key names are $user$ + deck name, *flashcarddeckoptions, *donedecks, *flashdeck.

Uploading Files

When you upload a file, the file is sent to the webserver where its contents are echoed back to your browser where they are stored. The file is not stored on the webserver.

Known Issues