This is a Thai-English, English-Thai dictionary. It allows you to:
The "keyboard" radiobuttons control the display of the onscreen keyboard and use of mobile devices built in keyboard. The options are:
Note: For mobile devices, when the Thai or English on screen keyboard is displayed the device's own input screen is suppressed.
The "function" radiobuttons are as follows:
Further details on each of these functions is provided below.
To look up individual words, select the "Look up word" radiobutton, then enter a word in the text box below the “keyboard". Words can be entered in three ways:
If you're typing with the keyboard or pasting a word you don't need to select the language with one of the buttons – the application can work out which language you're typing automatically.
Click the "Search" button to display the word's full definition(s). (This opens in a new tab.)
The "History" dropdown listbox stores recent word searches. Select one of the words to rerun the definition search.
Definition DisplayThe definition(s) is/are displayed for the selected word. Next to the word are two icons which have the following functions
Click on the "Close" button to close the tab and return to the main page of the dictionary.
Popup DefinitionsAll words with a dotted underline can be clicked on to show a popup with short definitions of that word. The popup includes a link to the full definition(s) with examples, synonyms and antonyms (where available). The colour of the underline alternates making it easier to identify word boundaries.
To close the popup, either click outside the popup, or click on the "close" icon inside the popup.
The grammar definitions used are as follows:
ABBR | Abbreviation |
ADJ | Adjective |
ADV | Adverb |
ART | Article |
AUX | Auxiliary verb |
CONJ | Conjunction |
DET | Determiner |
DM | Discourse marker |
IDM | Idiom |
INT | Intensifier |
INTER | Interrogative |
N | Noun |
PERP | ? |
PHRV | Phrasal verb |
PREP | Preposition |
PRF | Perfect aspect |
PRO | Pronoun |
PRON | Pronoun |
SCAT | Scatological |
SL | Slang |
SUF | Suffix |
V | Verb |
VI | Verb – instransitive |
VT | Verb – transitive |
Other abbreviations are:
Ant. | Antonym |
Clas. | Classifier |
Def. | Definition |
IPA | Transcription |
Rel. | Related words |
Syn. | Synonym |
To look up individual words, select the "Bulk lookup" radiobutton, and paste the Thai text (only) into the text box below the “keyboard". Then click the "Lookup" button.
The application will then attempt to split the text into individual words and will request definitions of the first 20 words from the server. To load more definitions, click on the "Lookup 20 words" button. (The number may be less than 20, depending upon the number of words left to be defined.) The limit of 20 words at a time is to avoid placing undue stress upon the site's webserver.
There are three "Display" options:
With all three layouts, click on a word to see its definition in a popup. The popup also provides a link to a full definition which will open in a separate tab.
Where a word has not yet been looked up, the IPA/definitions will appear as "?".
Click on the "Close" button to close the tab and return to the dictionary main screen
To browse the dictionary, select the "Browse dictionary" radiobutton and select the appropriate onscreen keyboard, i.e. Thai or English. (The native keyboard can't be used for this functionality.) Then click on the first consonant of words to be listed.
icons have the same functions
as described above.
Click on the "Close" button to close the tab and return to the dictionary main screen
To view your personal stored wordlist, select the "My Wordlist" radiobutton. This will bring up a count of how many words there are in your wordlist. Click on the "Show my wordlist" button to display your wordlist with definitions in a new tab.
The wordlist displays for each word IPA (where available), part of speech, translation and a link to the full definition.
To remove a word or words from your wordlist, click on the checkbox next to the word(s), then click on the "Remove selected" button. Removal can not be undone.
Create Flashcard DeckYou can create a flashcard deck from your wordlist by, under "Create flashcard deck", entering a name for the deck, then clicking the "Create deck" button.
If the deck name exists you will see a warning message. If you continue, the existing deck will be replaced.
Once you've created a new deck, you'll see a link which will take you to the flashcards app with the new deck loaded. Later, if you go to the flashcards app you will see your new deck listed under "My Decks".
Click on the "Close" button to close the tab and return to the dictionary main screen
Technical noteYour wordlist is stored in your browser's "Local Storage". It is only available on the device where you created it, using the same browser.
This product is created by the adaptation of LEXiTRON
developed by NECTEC (