This web application allows you to gauge how fast you can type Thai.
On the first page select:
The available options are a follows:
Click on the "Start" button to move to the next page.
Start typing the Thai text displayed. Once you type the first character correctly the countdown timer on the right will start. What you type will be displayed below the original text (unless you've selected the "Type blind" option).
The lines of text will scroll up automatically - there's no need to press "Enter" at the end of each line. However, when you see the ⏎ symbol, it's the end of a paragraph, so press "Enter"
Where the next character to be typed is a space, the space will be replaced with an underscore, _.
Where the last character typed is wrong, it will be displayed in brown. You can use the backspace key to correct the error, or simply ignore the error and continue.
When the countdown timer expires the results page will be shown. This displays:
With what you actually typed, wrong characters are highlighted in brown, and missing characters are highlighted in dark blue. If you've substituted a character you'll see a pair of characters - the missing original character in dark blue and the substituted character in brown. For example:
Substitutions only count as one error in the statistics.
The statistics show:
The "Retry" button allows you to retry the same test. The "Close" button takes you back to the options page.
Raw typing speed is calculated from the number of characters typed divided by 5, i.e.
(A word, by convention, is 5 characters long - it's not based upon actual word length. Type 100 characters and you've typed 20 words.)
Number of errors is the total number of missing, extraneous and substituted characters.
Accuracy (%) is calculated as:
Adjusted typing speed is calculated as:
(Time taken is in minutes.)